About us

About Us

Trinity School authorities immensely pleased to introduce a school much sought after to initiate their prestigious purpose-oriented campus. An Institutions providing encouraged learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities for the students making it one of the best Schools in city. Beautiful campus and pristine location on an extensive two-acre campus on a prime location. The school building as per the norms laid down by education directorate and central board of secondary education located by the side Kalyani Express Way, Dangadighila, Khardah stands on a pollution free greenery land where the school children can feel homely to be a part of the Institution. The school building thoughtfully planned and built with a futuristic design to foster innovative forward thinking. In this beautiful campus a refreshing and modern approach teaching using the latest Audio-visual and multimedia-based teaching aids, coupled with a spacious and well-ventilated classroom with plenty of natural life can make for a truly stimulating learning environment. Trinity School School is a comprehensive school. We seek to endow with education for the holistic development of our pupils. The school has a committed team of specialists who hold students and teachers in identifying and including students with special educations! needs and/or gifted and aptitude in conventional educational setting. The school makes suitable requirements in prospectus and other characteristics of the students leaming experience to guarantee they are suitably challenged and make the most out of their learning experience.


School Philosophy

Aims and Objectives :

Trinity Public School strives for overall development of a child heterogeneously blending Indian culture and heritage with modem internationally acceptable educational systems.

This would broadly cover the following:
  • Provide quality education and creating a zest for learning.
  • Broadening mental horizons and creating awareness within Ensuring physical, mental and spiritual growth.
  • Channelize youthful energy towards the environment and society with a positive attitude.
  • Face the complexities of life with courage and lead a disciplined life. Strong emphasis on character growth.
  • Inculcate in a child ethical and moral and cultural environment.
Moral & Value Education :

The school's main objective is to develop human values in the students to appreciate the good living. Adequate emphasis is laid on building strong character and good social contribution. Our obligation to students goes beyond basic education. We aim at building them as conscientious, confident and independent individuals to transform them into responsible citizens of India.






Our values

Trinity's vision speaks to the way our culture has spread to our entire team, so we can reach our united goals. Our five core values have been infused in the DNA of everything we do and ensure our ability to grow over the years.

Our values

Trinity's vision speaks to the way our culture has spread to our entire team, so we can reach our united goals. Our five core values have been infused in the DNA of everything we do and ensure our ability to grow over the years.






Chariman's Message



"I am immensely pleased to present before you the prospectus of Trinity Public School. My unwavering millisecond, education needs to evolve too."

The educational initiative of the Barakaat Foundation has accepted this challenges by establishing a chain of Trinity Public School in various parts of the country so that they help bring about a change in the future youth of the country.

It is our constant endeavour to provide Quality Education coupled with sound character building by blending Indian culture and heritage with an internationally accepted educational system.

Trinity Public School strives for precisely that the infrastructure and team of dedicated staff makes up for the ideal education-alty Public School. It is my firm belief that Child's mind is a universe full of possibilities. It needs the right environment to develop to its maximum potential at school and at home .As the saying goes," A child's mind is like a dry sponge, ready to soak, all you need to do is to take it to the water."

With best wishes,

Chief Patron

Greetings to all!

In today's world, we need people who are alert and sensitive, people who are the seeker of knowledge and wisdom. Today children need to start off early to match steps with or better still, outpace the pace of development. The challenge before the Teachers and Parents is how we can educate our children according to the present day needs. It is possible by learning to know, learning to do, learning to be authentic and learning to live together.

Trinity Public School epitomizes a way of education that embraces the best of east and the west, the best of the modern and the traditional, to prepare your child to become a genuine world citizen.

This is being achieved by our efforts to discovers and nurture the special gifts embedded in each student and inspiring them to attain peak potential to face the complexities of life with courage and lead a disciplined life & Our aim to inculcate ethical and moral values in child by providing an appropriate moral and cultural environment so that youthful energy is harnessed to make them socially responsible citizens of the country.

1 invite you to come and join us in our movement to identify the latent potential of your child by our innovative pedagogy of education system. Give him/her the opportunity to excel in his/her chosen area, be it sports, academics, art, music or any other intellectual pursuit at Trinity Public School Wishing you the very best




Principal's Message

"From The Desk Of Principal:"

I have the privilege to welcome you all to Trinity Public School. This is the prestigious institution in North 24 Parganas that provides unique opportunities for the development of the young minds in a secular and conducive atmosphere.

We are a co-educational institute, welcoming students from a wide zone around North 24 parganas. Trinity Public School offers opportunities for all students to achieve excellence in academic, cultural, artistic, sporting and community endeavours. We provide an inclusive, caring environment which fosters collaborative learning and positive relationships, we endeavour to provide each student with a curriculum which both challenges and inspires them to reach their individual potential. They are allowed to grow and learn in a safe, creative and holistic environment that is constantly evolving to meet their needs.

We believe in the unique perfection that exists within each individual, and trust that it can be polished through academic and emotional guidance from the school faculty and teachers. There is a spark of genius in every student which needs a teacher to kindle it. We as facilitators, try to imbibe in our students the value of courage, honesty, curiosity along with a spirit to work hard and excel at what they put their mind to, nourishing an achiever, meant to make the world a better place with their skills and knowledge.

I firmly believe in the great saying of the great educator and world fame saint “Swami Vivekananda” – “Arise Awake and stop not till the goal is achieved”. Our goal is educationwith moral value and character building to educate the children for very good human being. I am happy to appreciate the trustees of BARKAAT FOUNDATION the governing body of the most cherished venture establishing this Trinity Public School shall prove to be a very worthy educational institution on the pattern of CBSE requirement and on sincere efforts are there to maintain all the norms led down by these national board for the sake of affiliation is very near future.

We firmly believe that parents’ role in the child’s educational development is crucial. It is the parents, who are the first GURU of the child. So we create mutual respect and strive to establish continuous communication between Parents, Teachers and Administration. Let us work together towards a better world for our children! It is our strong belief that children acquire skills and knowledge easily if the surrounding is stimulating and purposeful.

Thanking You



Non Academic Staff
